Physiotherapy & Pregnancy - Lausanne


Philae Center

Welcome to our pregnancy physiotherapy center in Lausanne!

Pregnancy is much more than just a physical transformation, it's a lifelong revolution. While the arrival of a baby is a moment of pure happiness, it is also accompanied by bodily upheavals and a cascade of questions that arise as the months go by. Our team is here to support you every step of the way.


Pregnant and fit: what an adventure!

The physiological odyssey of a mother-to-be

Your 1st trimester of pregnancy

Right from the start, you may feel some changes. If you experience nausea, vomiting or constipation during the 1st trimester... don't be too worried! The cause is hormonal changes. Adaptations are essential to support fetal development and prepare the body for childbirth.

Your 2nd and 3rd trimesters

  • Your hormones increase, affecting your ligament structures and your mood.
  • Your heart is more solicited for baby's needs
  • Your breath is short and you frequently run to the bathroom because baby is taking up space.
  • The way you feel about your body changes: your belly becomes rounder, your baby weighs more, you change posture more often, your joints become more unstable and aches and pains set in.
Physiotherapy pregnancy Lausanne

Accompagner la vie et se découvrir en tant que mère sont des cadeaux précieux de l’existence. C’est avec joie que je soutiens les futures et nouvelles mères à travers cette belle aventure.  Solen

Softness and support at every step:

Physiotherapy for your maternity in Lausanne

Physiotherapy is a valuable asset at every stage of pregnancy. Each trimester brings its own changes, but one thing remains constant: the importance of taking care of yourself. Physiotherapy is there to help you feel better about yourself (and your belly) during this adventure.

The individualized approach

Every pregnancy is different. That's why our sessions are tailor-made for you. At the first meeting, we listen to your needs, your pains, your expectations. This is your journey, and we're here to make it as comfortable as possible.

Gentle body techniques

Physiotherapy manipulations are delicate. We use gentle methods to relieve common pregnancy aches and pains, such as lower back pain, sciatica or postural discomfort. Imagine a sensation of weightlessness, where every tension is released, offering renewed freedom of movement.

Practical tips for everyday life

Beyond the sessions, we offer you tips and exercises for your everyday life. How to position yourself correctly during sleep, stretches to adopt, methods to prevent pain... Every gesture counts.

Preparing for childbirth

Pelvic floor muscles, breathing and positions are precious allies in childbirth. We'll guide you through specific exercises to prepare you to experience this moment with greater confidence.

Good listening

Our sessions are also moments of exchange. We're here to answer your questions, to reassure, to listen. Your emotional well-being is just as important.

A team trained to care for your pregnancy

Your specialist physiotherapists in Lausanne

We're a strong team, ready to work hand in hand with you. Our mission? To ensure that you and your baby receive the best possible care, and to make your journey a wonderful experience.

We are experienced and trained specifically in perinatal care. We can guide you through safe and effective exercises that can be practiced throughout pregnancy.

Amélie Teil Physiotherapy pregnancy Lausanne

Amélie Teil Physiotherapy pregnancy Lausanne

🇩🇪 Drapeau: Allemagne sur Facebook 15.0

Duclos Solen Physiotherapy pregnancy Lausanne

🇩🇪 Drapeau: Allemagne sur Facebook 15.0

Duclos Solen Physiotherapy pregnancy Lausanne
Emilie - à venir

Physiotherapy pregnancy Lausanne room

Common pathologies during pregnancy and our support

There are a multitude of solutions to support you. The most important thing is to recognize your symptoms and talk to a healthcare professional.

Lower back pain

Probably one of the most common complaints, lower back pain can occur as your center of gravity shifts. Targeted stretching, strengthening exercises and postural advice can bring great relief.


When pain radiates along the sciatic nerve, it can become uncomfortable. Fortunately, manual therapy and appropriate stretching can reduce this painful sensation.

Venous problems

Increased blood volume and hormonal changes can lead to feelings of heavy legs or the appearance of varicose veins. Compression stockings, proper hydration and exercise can help alleviate these symptoms.

Pelvic floor dysfunctions

Essential in preparing for childbirth, the pelvic floor can also experience weakness during pregnancy, sometimes resulting in urine leakage. Targeted exercises and practical advice can strengthen this area and improve quality of life.

Edema and swelling

Feet and hands can sometimes swell, especially at the end of pregnancy. Rest, leg elevation and gentle drainage massages help reduce swelling.

The aesthetic changes of pregnancy

Let's talk beauty, because your skin tells the story of your pregnancy. Each woman experiences this adventure differently, influenced by various factors such as age, genetics and weight variations. Three distinct skin patterns emerge during this period:

Stretch marks

These striae, often visible as early as the second trimester, can mark the abdomen, breasts, thighs or buttocks. They result from the distension of the skin during pregnancy. While moisturizing with oils and creams can help prevent their appearance, they often persist after childbirth.

The pregnancy mask

From the second trimester onwards, dark pigmentation may appear on the face. Gentle skin care, effective sun protection and a diet rich in vitamin C are recommended. Rest assured, these marks tend to fade naturally after childbirth.

The nigra line

Three out of four women will experience a dark line between the pubis and navel during pregnancy. The result of hormonal upheaval, it can appear suddenly or gradually intensify. Although its appearance is unpredictable, it generally fades after the baby's arrival.

When is it necessary?

Physiotherapy is recommended for pregnant women experiencing pain or physical problems, such as lower back pain, pelvic floor weakness, heavy and swollen legs.

It is advisable to start as soon as symptoms appear. However, it's never too late to start physiotherapy.

How do I get started?

A prescription from your doctor is required to start the sessions.

If you can't come to the office, we can come to your home. To do this, your doctor must indicate "At home" on the prescription.

What is physiotherapy during pregnancy?

It is a gentle, non-invasive approach that does not use drugs. It can help improve quality of life for both mother and child by reducing pain, improving posture and breathing, and offering gymnastics adapted to each patient.

Should I see a physiotherapist or osteopath?

Osteopathy complements physiotherapy. I recommend it for occasional pain. If the pain persists, it's a good idea to consult a doctor to rule out any concerns. He or she will decide whether follow-up with a physiotherapist can help.

How many sessions are required?

A prescription generally consists of 9 sessions. This can be adapted in consultation with your doctor, depending on the improvements and progress of your pregnancy. Follow-up can be quick with 5-9 sessions, but sometimes it's necessary to accompany you for longer.

Our physiotherapy centers in Lausanne

Lausanne subway station

Chemin de la Joliette, 2, 1006, Lausanne 

METRO: Délice stop (M2)

PARKING: Parking place 28 or chemin du pré-Fleuri (blue disc)

PRACTICAL INFO: 1st floor, right-hand staircase

Lausanne Riponne

Rue Saint-Laurent 19, 1003, Lausanne

METRO: Riponne stop (M2)

PARKING: Parking de la Riponne (paying)